As the United States of America were (and still are) a nation with a market for employee relocation needs, the demand for professional relocation processes increased in the second half of the 20th century. To supply this demand an organization was formed: ERC.
The origin of the Worldwide Employee Relocation Council
The mobility and expected flexibility of the U.S. American jobholders was greatly growing and is still part of a lot of various professions in America. To supply the needs of the relocation market and thus to help employees with a smooth start regarding their new period of life, six individuals founded the precursor of the Worldwide Employee Relocation Council (ERC) in 1964 in Chicago. One year later it already gained over 80 members. Today ERC comprises over 1,600 members worldwide, including different branches from human resources, governmental institutions, consulting to relocation agencies.
The ERC Foundation
The foundation describes itself as a workforce mobility association. Members of this union are somehow involved in processes of international employee transition. The organization is based on two strong pillars: bylaws and shared values. These basics are therefor to provide and ensure development for the world´s talent mobility professionals. Besides these basics, the purpose and mission are to educate through specialized trainings and provide network and exchange at meeting events.
The five objectives of the ERC are composed by following points: Education and research – this implies a worldwide resource of knowledge regarding international and domestic relocation processes. The second point refers to work with, analyze, communicate with and about, and even advocate governmental relations and policy. Besides Globalization, defined by expanding a global organization and thus offering its members a primary resource of globally complex knowledge, community as a possibility of networking is one of the main cores of ERC. The framework of the association regards the organizational excellence, including relations to governance, financial and staffing resources.
Our Membership
Being part of this foundation has several advantages for our company and thus effecting our high standards regarding our services. Being a member of this association is a privilege and an incentive for Start-Up Services to develop and grow.